Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Been a while...

I realize its been quite some time since I last posted. My excuse would be due to too much of a gigantic game backlog ;) A lot of good titles have been released between my last post and now, and I will cover the ones I liked the most... but I wanted to go a little off topic for a bit.

On October 6th 2013 I had the experience of a life time and something that feeds into two of my life's passions, music and video games. In March 2012 I had the pleasure of attending Final Fantasy: Distant Worlds at the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The experience was more than what I expected. I found myself moved and to be a honest a little sad that music did not still play a large role in my life. When I had found that Distant Worlds would be coming back in October, I was very happy and adamant about attending once more.

What I did not expect was to have the opportunity of a life time. To meet Nobuo Uematsu. The composer of all the Final Fantasy music I have loved and grown up listening to.  The concert was again amazing, my favorite being Final Fantasy X's To Zanarkand... I have to be honest I shed a tear or two.  After the concert was finished we lined up to meet Nobuo Uematsu. I can't even vocalize how I truly felt when I got to shake his hand, a true legend.

The whole experience makes me want to start to compose or fix my cello or do something with the talent that was given to me. Not having done anything with that over the years I think has left me feeling unfulfilled in that respect. Now just to act on that feeling and figure out how I want to go about it.